Manage Document Title

Update the document’s title with reactive data.
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: () => ({
    documentTitle: document.title
  watch: {
    documentTitle: {
      immediate: true,
      handler (value) {
        document.title = value

Since the root Vue instance is almost always initialized on a child element of <body>, we don’t have access to elements in <head>. The solution is actually very simple: to watch a data attribute that corresponds to the document title, and then use DOM functions for updating.

This is only a proof of concept. If you want full power over a document’s meta with SSR support, take a look at vue-meta.

Long press directive

A simple directive to execute a function when the element is long-pressed.
  <button v-longpress='showOptions'>Hold me for a while</button>

const PRESS_TIMEOUT = 1000

Vue.directive('longpress', {
  bind: function (el, { value }, vNode) {
    if (typeof value !== 'function') {
      console.warn(`Expect a function, got ${value}`)

    let pressTimer = null

    const start = e => {
      if (e.type === 'click' && e.button !== 0) {

      if (pressTimer === null) {
        pressTimer = setTimeout(() => value(e), PRESS_TIMEOUT)

    const cancel = () => {
      if (pressTimer !== null) {
        pressTimer = null

    ;['mousedown', 'touchstart'].forEach(e => el.addEventListener(e, start))
    ;['click', 'mouseout', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].forEach(e => el.addEventListener(e, cancel))

A more in-depth article with commented code can be found here.

Detect if user has scrolled to bottom

Detect if the user has scrolled to bottom of a container element and executed a function (for example, load more posts à la infinite scrolling).
  <div @scroll="onScroll"></div>

export default function () {
  methods: {
    onScroll ({ target: { scrollTop, clientHeight, scrollHeight }}) {
      if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight) {